Blaaskatheterisatie Module 4 Evidence-tabel

Evidence table for systematic review of RCTs and observational studies (intervention studies)

Study reference

Study characteristics

Patient characteristics

Intervention (I)

Comparison / control (C)



Outcome measures and effect size


Cooper, 2016



SR and meta-analysis of RCTs

Literature search up to May 2016

A: Priefer, 1982

Study design:


Setting and Country:

A: Males in a Veterans Administration hospital-based nursing home with long-term indwelling urethral catheters, USA


Source of funding and conflicts of interest:

Not specified


Inclusion criteria SR: RCT that describes A policies that can be employed during the time of catheter replacement; time between replacement, antibiotic prophylaxis, cleaning solutions, lubricants, Replacing catheter versus other policy e.g. washouts, Replacing in home environment versus clinical environment, Cleaning solution A versus cleaning solution B.

Exclusion criteria SR: type/material of catheter, washout versus no washout in long-term indwelling urinary catheters, long-term antibiotics, and the use of intermittent catheter

1 study on comparison between time intervals of catheter replacement included

Important patient characteristics at baseline:

N, mean age

A: 17 patients

Age control group: 77.1 +/− 16.3;

Intervention group: 83.4 +/− 7.9 years


A: 100 % Male

Groups comparable at baseline?



Describe intervention:

A: Catheter replacement monthly as well as when indicated by infection (as defined in the study) or obstruction


Describe control:

A: Catheter replacement only when indicated by infection (as defined in the study) or obstruction


End-point of follow-up:

A: over a period of 6 months

For how many participants were no complete outcome data available?






Urinary tract infection

Defined as.....

A: Development of symptomatic CAUTI in 6-month period:

Effect measure: RR, RD, mean difference [95% CI]:

A: Control 6/7 developed CAUTI; Intervention 3/10 developed CAUTI

Risk ratio: 0.35 (95% CI 0.13, 0.95) in favor of ‘monthly and as needed’.


Not reported

Patient comfort

Not reported








There was insufficient evidence to indicate that there was a lower incidence of symptomatic UTI in people whose catheter was replaced both monthly and when clinically indicated (RR 0.35, 95% CI 0.13 to 0.95; very low-quality evidence) compared to only when clinically indicated